The Topeka State Journal from Topeka, Kansas (2024)

THE TOPEKA DAILY STATE JOURNAL THURSDAY EVENING- OCTOBER 16, 1913, Relief for Catarrh jBALIE NOT SO OLD All Clogged Up? Here's Quick Relief Sufferers Now FREE Guaranteed 20 Years aggener Led Coon Hunt When Others Straggled. i $2022 JL. You Can Now Treat This Trouble in Your Own Home and Get Relief at Once. How the Remedy for Catarrh Was Discovered. 1 "HIS terrible disease has raged unchecked for years simply because symp toms have been treated while i the vicious germs that cause the trouble have been left to circulate in the and By the new method the nose and throat are treated by an effective local remedy a fitted directly to tlie afflicted mem branes.

Several Challengers "Backed Oat," but Senator Was Game. Atchison, Oct. 16. If you have the notion in your head that Balie Waggener is getting old and has pass- I ed beyond the strenuous life, banish it. In a drus store the other day Mr.

Waggener suggested a coon hunt to a number of young men who were standing around and they laughed at him. He said he was in earnest, but they questioned his veracity. They said they would meet him at the drug store cor- uring uic uiscubc uau. as iasi as local quest of the big game. "I'll be on hand, ne answered, "ana i iurniu I the hounas." The men cnuckled.

They treatments could relieve it. 1 who cxpenmeniea sure Mr Waggener was bluffing years on a treatment tor Catarrh, found but for some reason the bunch appear that after nerfertino- a halm thst relipvpH ed on the corner at the appointed time. was a minute or two past the time wv. srr and tnp fellows were laughing at The Elixir, taken into the stomach, has a direct influence upon the mucous membranes of the body and cures the disease by removing the cause. Careful experiments and investigations have shown that as the troubles were expelled from the nose and throat, the real cause of the disease was overlooked and in a short time the Catarrh would return stronger than ever.

Mr. Gauss has gone way ahead of the ordinary methods of treatment and has provided a remedy that Kills the Germs in the Blood and immediately gives relief to the nose and throat. He perfected the New Combined Treatment, since admitted to be the logical, sure, scientific method. Reese Jones, of Scranton, says that after tryinsr many other treatments, he used this new method and "My nose is now entirely clear and free and lam not bothered by the disease any more. The New Combined Treatment is worth its weight in gold." Temporary relief from catarrh may be obtained in other ways, but the New Combined Treatment must inevitably be accepted for permanent results.

Sarah J. Calx-. Mount Pelia. says. "I Buffered the pains and distress of catarrh for thirteen years and needless to state, tried nearly every method.

But by your new method I was completely cured and you cannot imagine the joy that has come over me." could not prevent the trouble the idea that Balie would beginning all over again. On test cases, he could completely remove all signs of Catarrh from nose and throat, but in a few weeks they were back. Goes to the Root of Stopped-up noses Constant "frog-in-the-throat Nasal discharges Hawking and spitting Snoring at night Bad Breath Frequent colds Difficult breathing' Smothering sensation in dreams Sudden fits of sneezing Dry mucus in nose and any of the other symptoms that indicate approaching or present catarrh. Send the Test Treatment FREE Trial Treatment FREE show up. "He's a great big bluffer," said one.

"Worse than that," came back anoth er. "Next time he makes me miss a date with my girl he will know ail about it." growled the third. "Here he comes," said the fourth, "let's run "I am going to be Just as game as Waggener," another said, and he wait ed on the corner for B. P. "A nice lot of fellows they are," snorted Balie, as he saw fellows running away.

"They're afraid to go out in the woods after dark," he said. True to his promise Mr. Waggener had the hounds and he had Ed Kouns. a colored man, their owner, along to coach them. Mark Waggener was along.

Mr. Watts was the only mem ber of the party that arranged the hunt, to stick. The little party, led by B. went out to the home of Frank Harwl to coax him to go, but Frank declared he had to stay at home and take care of the baby. He was one of the fellows who had promised to go.

Another was Sheffield Ingalls, an old coon and possum hunter. John Rater- man and Arthur Lukens were others who had entered into the agreement to go hunting. Waggener carried out his agreement, as any honorable lawyer will do, and with Mr. Watts, Mark Waggener and Ed Kouns hunted until 10:30 o'clock. One possum was captured and this was given to Mr.

Kouns who furnished the hounds. Waggener has served notice I on the manager of his farm to allow OBEliLIX DRAINAGE CASE. E. GAUSS. 5066 Main Street.

Marshall, Mich. I I Tf vonf np -orfii no traitors to pass its gates without a This new method is so important to the wel- neve my catarrh and bring me health and special permit from him. fareof humanity, so vital toevery person suffering good spirits again. I am willing to be shown, i ii iiicwwuuuiijiu so, without cost or obligation to me. send, actually test it and prove its results, will be gladly funy prepaid, the Treatment and Book, extended without one cent of cost.

i A largre trial treatment, with complete, minute a directions. will besentfreetoany catarrh-sufferer. I Name 1 3end no money, take no risks, make no j.i-oniises. Simply clip, sign and mail the coupon and the test package of the New Combined Treat- I tnent will be sent fully prepaid, together with the valuable book on Catarrh. a tit LAMEST.


Okla. City 7:55 A. M. Electric Lighted Sleeper ROCK -ISLAND LINES 3 other daily trains to Oklahoma Ask 4036 -C. E.

B3 scorn, P. A. Woman Claims Ditch Made Her Home Unsanitary. Oberlin. Oct.

16. The city government passed an ordinance providing for a certain drainage ditch in Oberlin. Because, she alleged, it would create a mudhole and unsanitary conditions in front of her home. Miss Georgia Randall took a spade and filled up the ditch. She was arrested.

Before the trial Miss Randall told Police Judge Leak that she did fill up the ditch and would do it again, if necessary. Because of this, a change of venue was taken to Justice Mahanna's court. After three days of wrangling by lawyers, she was found guilty and fined $5. She appealed to the district court, and for five days now the case has been proceeding. First, arguments made against the validity of the ordinance were made, and this contention having been lost the jury now is being impaneled for the trial of Miss Randall on the appeal.

Nearly all of Oberlin's lawyers are engaged in the case, and if Miss Randall loses the case may go to the supreme court on appeal. Meantime the costs are piling up. WICHITA DEPOT OPEN. First Train Entered Shed To Begin Regular Service. Wichita, Oct.

16. While several hundred persons stood in the rain last night and watched the first train pass over the elevated tracks above Douglas avenue, fireworks were set off and Wichita's new 2 million dollar union station formally was opened. Beginning today trains will run into thi new train sheds regularly. A Simple Remedy to Correct Constipation Before It Becomes Chronic Very few people go through life without some time or other being troubled with constipation. Thousands injure themselves by the use of strong cathartics, salts, mineral waters, pills and similar things.

They have temporary value in some cases, it is true, but the good effect is soon lost, and the more one takes of them the less effective they become. A physic of purgative is seldom necessary, and much better and more permanent results can be obtained by using a scientific remedy like Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. It does not hide behind a high sounding name, but is what it is represented to be, a mild laxative medicine. It is so mild that thousands of mothers give it to tiny infants, and yet it is so compounded, and contains such definite ingredients that it will have equally good effect when used by a person suffering from the worst chronic constipation.

In fact, among the greatest endorsers of Syrup Pepsin are elderly people who havs suffered for years and found nothing to benefit them until they took Syrup Pepsin. It. is a fact that millions of families have Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin constantly in the house, homes like those of Mr. H.

W. Fenstermaker, Siegfried, Pa. He says he has had wonderful results from the use of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, that, in fact, he has never found a remedy so good, and he is glad to recommend it. The special I MR.

H. W. FENSTERMAKER value of this grand laxative tonic is that, it is suited to the needs of every member of the family. It is pleasant-tasting, mild and nongriping. Unlike harsh physics, it works gradually and in a very brief time the stomach and bowel muscles are trained to do their work naturally again, when all medicines can be dispensed with.

You can obtain a bottle at any drug store for fifty cents or one dollar. Thf latter size is usually bought by families who already know its value. Results are always guaranteed or money will be refunded. Families wishing to try a free sample bottle can obtain it postpaid by addressing Dr. W.

B. Caldwell. 419 Washington Monticello, 111. A postal card with your name and address on it will do. that were kept in that office during the war days, discovered the dates of both the mustering in and discharge of Ferris, and on the strength of this, the pension will be allowed.

He will receive $30 a month and back pay for twenty-three years at the rate of $12 a month, or more than $3,000 in all. Ferris is a carpenter and a poor man. His wife is close to 80 years of age. HESSIAN FLY IN AVIIEAT. Leavenworth County Agent Warns Farmer About Planting.

Leavenworth, Oct. 16. Not withstanding the fact that P. H. Ross, the county agent, has warned farmers repeatedly about sowing wheat with out first taking the precaution of disking out the volunteer growth, many are neglecting to do so.

As a consequence their fields probably will be badly damaged by Hessian flies. If the flies are killed in the egg form when they do no damage the loss to the wheat will be cut to the minimum from that source. Walter McAlexander, a well known farmer of Delaware township, has reported that he made an inspection of the volunteer wheat in a field and found the stalks covered with fly eggs. He counted as many as 15 eggs on one stalk. "I found a great many of the eggs," said Mr.

McAlexander. "The vol unteer wheat was fairly covered with them. I then decided that I must disk the entire field if I hoped to get rid -f them. I have noticed that a number of farmers are sowing before disking out the volunteer growth. I think it a good plan to give another warning to those who have not sown.

most favorable. Thousands of acres of wheat are now up and are being pastured. Some volunteer -wheat is rank enough to hide a rabbit. Many had decided not to put out a wheat crop again but since the heavy rains and the fine spring like weather of the past month everyone has gotten the wheat fever and is going the limit. SELECT C.

A. FINCH. Of Topeka Pastor Is Vice President Christian Church in State. Atchison, Oct. 16.

The Christian church state convention, in annual session here yesterday, decided to hold its 1914 convention at Newton, October 5. The state officials elected follow: President, Dr. J. H. Young, Hutchinson; vies presidents, C.

A. Finch, Topeka, and Rev. Jesse Bader, Atchison; W. S. Lowe, Belleville; M.

L. Lee Sorey, Emporia, and E. A. Robinson, Topeka, executive board. WAITED FOR PENSION.

NEW LOCATION C. H. MORRISON has moved his OPTICAL OFFICES and Lens Factory to second floor, over Woolworth's 5c and 10c store. 627 Kansas Ave. In his larger quarters he is prepared to meet every optical want of the public.

His many years of optical experience enables him to prescribe eye glasses that give satisfaction to the wearer. His LEXS FACTORY enables him to duplicate correctly any broken spectacle or eye glass lens, no matter how complicated. "While You Wait." He will gladly straighten spectacle frames and tighten eye glass lenses FREE DR. C. H.

MORRISON Optometrist and Mfg. Optician. Wholesale and Retail. Phone 3680. 627 Kansas Ave.

liliiSililiii Veteran's Discharge Found After 23 Years Gets Back Pay. Atchison, Oct. 16. Frank Ferris, aged 7 9 years, who served during the Civil war in the Third regiment of Missouri infantry, applied for a pension in 1S90, but because he couid not produce his discharge he was denied one. He kept on in his efforts to prove that he was a soldier and some time ago secured the help of ITnited States Senator Thompson.

Recently the adjutant general of Missouri in going through the records Whenever You Are in Kansas City Make This Store Your Doivn-Toivn Headquarters Use the Many Conveniences at Your Will Money Saved by Making Your Cough Syrup at Home Takei Rut a. Few moments, and Stops 21 Hard Cough, iu a Hurry. SHERIFF CATCHES WHEAT THIEF Cloud County Officers Trace Him by Horse Tracks. Concordia, Oct. 16.

Napo leon Charest, who lives three miles south and one west of St. Joe, was arrested by Sheriff Moore for stealing a ioad of wheat from George Beau-gard last Monday night. Charest waived his preliminary before Justice Sexsmith and has told the sheriff that he will plead guilty in district court and take his sentence, which will be for grand larceny and means a term at Lansing. Sheriff Moore did some clever worK in tracing tjnarest irom me sra.iia.iy about two miles away to the Charest home by following the horse tracks and finally located the team in the field where Charest was driving them to a wheat drill. Some of the wheat was found in the bin.

MANY DrVORCE PETITIONS. Domestic Troubles in Neosho County Numerous Twenty-Three Suits. Erie, Oct. 16. Domestic infelicity, incompatibility of temperament or some other general cause leading to action to annul the marriage contract is the source of the greatest number of cases to be tried in the October term of the Neosho county district court, which convened in Erie Tuesday.

On the civil docket there are 106 cases and twenty-three of them, a greater number than comes under any other title, are divorce suits. BEACON FOR TRAVELERS. at Cough medicines, as a rule, contain a large quantity of plain syrup. If you take one pint of granulated sugar, add pint of warm water and stir about 2 minutes, you have as good syrup as money could buv. If you will then put 24 ounces of Pinex (fifty cents' worth in a pint bottle, and fill it up with the Sugar Syrup, you will have as much cough syrup as you could buy ready made for Take a teaspoonful every one, two or three hours.

It keeps perfectly, You will find it one of the best cough syrups you ever used even in whooping cough. You can feel it take hold 1 usually conquers an ordinary cough in 24 hours. It is just laxative enough, has a good tonic effect, ar-d the tasta is pleasant. It is a splendid remedy, too, for I whooping cough, spasmodic croup. hoarseness and bronchial asthma.

Tinex is a most vaulable concentrated compound of Norway white pine extract, rich in guaiaool and other healing pine elements. No other preparation will work in this formula. This plan for making cough remedy with Pinex and Sugar Svrup is now used in more homes than any other cough remedy. The plan has often been imitated but never successfully. A guaranty of absolute satisfaction, or money promptly refunded, goes with this preparation.

Your druggist has Pinex, or will get it for you. If not, send to The Pinex Ft Wayne, Xnd. (Advertisem*nt. Light Installed in Church Tower Cimarron To Be More. Cimarron, Oct.

16. A beacon light in the school house belfry may be seen for 20 miles round about Cimarron. The light has 400 candle power and was installed by subscriptions raised by J. R. Fisher.

From Montezuma, 2 0 miles away, the great light may be seen. J. R. Bacon says he say it plainly from the James church, 30 miles to the southwest. This has encouraged the citizens to install other lights on churches and other Subscriptions arc being secured in the towns of this section for similar lights to guide the wayfarer at night and to locate towns along the Santa Fe trail.

MAKE EXTENSIVE SOIL TEST. WATER BONDS FOR HOLTON. City Commissioners Authorize Issue to Amount of $70,000. Holton, Oct. 16.

The city commissioners of Holton have passed an ordinance authorizing the issuance of approximately $70,000 in bonds for the extension and improvement of the waterworks system. The improvements contemplate the construction of a dam on Banner creek, two miles west or Holton, an impounding reser-voir, a filtration plant and standpipe A SEALY Always for Restful Sleep When you sleep on a Sealy Mattress, made without tufts, you get up in the morning refreshed, your entire system is replenished with the energy which makes one feel like "up and doing." The person who sleeps on a SEALY is minus that lazy and tired feeling, all due to the fact that there are no bumps or lumps to lie on. The whole thing is one big pillow, it fits comfortably to every part of the body. The SEALY is not a luxury, it is almost a necessity; for what is more important than a restful night's sleep to the man at the bench or another at his desk. The SEALY is made of pure, long staple cotton, grown right where the mattresses are made processed into a big, billowy batt encased in a high-grade tick.

Each one guaranteed for twenty years rice Is $20.00 Figure it out on a basis of being guaranteed for twenty years and the cost is only Two Cents Per Week. We Close on Saturday at 6 o'Clock Please Shop Before That Hour, Thereby Aiding the Early Saturday Closing Movement VITALITY THE SECRET OF SUCCESS IpiTDU Blood Vital Debility, tious Disorders, and all Pelvic Ailments of men. You should call without delay. Consultation is invited, and free. Authorized by the state to treat all Chronic, Nervous and Privite Diseases.

Special treatment for Cancers. DR. D. A. COOKINHAM Hours 9 to 12, 2 to 5, 7 to 8.

Sundays 9:30 to 10:30 a. m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday Evenings. 108 East Seventh St. Aunt Sally's Advice to Beauty-Seekers McPherson College Class Learns Much Concerning Moisture.

McPherson, Oct. 16. P. W. Seidel and W.

H. Toder of McPherson college have completed tests in the college laboratory for measuring the moisture in cultivated and uncultivated soil, with the result that the cultivated soil shows 1,428 barrels more water per acre than that which had not been disturbed. The class in soils has put in a busy fall on its work, and the experiments of the moisture experts is one of the most interesting series yet inaugurated. W. C.

E. says: "My face is freckled the year round; nothing I try seems to help much, there anything that will really take off these horrid spots?" Have you tried the treatment recommended to Minnie L. I've known this to remove very obstinate freckles. Ellen B. asks: "What should I do for deep lines under my eyes and across my forehead?" Such lines, and all wrinkles, are best obliterated by bath'ing affected portions in a' good astringent and tonic lotion, which strengthens and draws in the relaxed tissue.

Here's a reliable formula: 1 oz. powdered saxolite, pt. witch hazel; mix and use daily until entirely relieved. Minnie L. The undue redness as well as the pimples, may easily be removed by using ordinary mercolized wax.

Apply nightly like cold cream and erase mornings with warm water. Soon you'll have a beautifully white, clear, sort and velvety complexion. Mercolized wax, sold by all arugeists, is better than cosmetics for any complexion trouble. One ounce suffices for most conditions. Woman's Realm.

Adv. Daily Trains TO KANSAS CITY DOUBLE TRACK NO STOPS L.v. Topeka it. Kan. City jMpjAiPiHl Kan Cltj Arr.

Topeka 4:20 a. m. 6:25 a. m. 7:66 m- 9:35 a.

m. 5:46 a. m. 7:25 a. m.

10:10 a. m. 12:05 p. m. 7:40 a.

m. 9:25 a. m. r. a.

m. 12:50 p. m. 2:25 p. m.

4:20 p. m. fall rickets 11:35 a. m. 1:25 p.

rm. 3:25 p. m. 5:10 p. m.

fcVfcKYWHcnt p- m. 5:45 m. 8:10 p. m. E.

BASC0M. C. P. A. 8:00 p.

m. 9:45 p. m. 7:40 p.m. 9:45 p.

m. Phon 4036 10:20 p. m. 12:16 a.m. p.

10:30 p. m. hj0 coarhes in trains Marked 11 :15 p. m. -np a.

m. L. M. PENWELL Undertaker and Embalmer. THOMAS Phone 192.

E. JONES. Assistant. 508-510 Qulncy St. CANCER E.

11th Tumors and ulcers treated: no knife or plaster used. Dr. AIcLaughlln. 222 Suite 201, Kansas City. Mo.

JOURNAL WANTS Someone -wants that which yon do not. A small ad iu the State Journal want columns satisfies both. KECAIjL FOB PRATT MAYOR. Petitions Have Been Filed Too I-ate I to Withdraw Xames. Pratt.

Oct. 16. An election was called on the petition filed to recall Mayor Hupp. There were 2S7 signatures to the petition and 258 of the names were registered. It re- 1 quires 252 to make the petition valid.

After the call was made, some folks; called to have their names taken off the list, but were told they were too late. I PROSPECTS GOOD IX MEADE. Fanners Are Encouraged and Put in Much Wheat. Fowler, Oct. 16.

The wheat i prospects in Meade county this fall are the best in the history of the county. Heretofore something has interfered to prevent the bulk of the crop get-tins out in time to come up nicely of a falL But this year everything is the 11Lj I Topeka's Exclusive Millinery-Store Friday and Saturday, we invite the public to our first display of millinery in our enlarged quarters. The same old place. We now occupy the entire lower floor. Come and enjoy with us the improvement.

While here we will be glad to assist you in selecting something stylish and up to date. We have the styles. We have the merchandise. We have no competition, prices are absolutely correct. because our Mrs.

C. H. Morrison 603 Kansas Avenue.

The Topeka State Journal from Topeka, Kansas (2024)


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Author: Margart Wisoky

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Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

Address: 2113 Abernathy Knoll, New Tamerafurt, CT 66893-2169

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Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.