The McPherson Daily Republican from McPherson, Kansas (2024)


He was arrested at the national palace shortly before 3 o'clock this afternoon by General Blanquet. Gen. Victoriano Huerta, commander of the federal troops, was proclaimed provisional president. About the time Madero was seized by Blanquet, his brother, Gustavo Madero, the former minister of finance, was arrested by General Huerta, who was dining with him in a public restaurant. All members of the cabinet promptly were placed under arrest, with the exception of Ernesto Madero, the uncle of the president, who had the portfolio of finance.

He escaped. The direct movement against Madero was the result of a plot. It had been brewing since yesterday, and possibly existed with Blanquet for a greater length of time. SALINA iS PAVING TOO, County Commissioner B. F.

McGill spent yesterday in and near Salina. In conversation with the city clerk, who has made quite a study of paving for Salina also in a general way, Mr. McGill learned that Salina has about twelve miles of paving. ple there like the asphalt as it is smoother and more quiet than the brick. The average asphalt pavement lasts about ten years and the brick twenty or thirty.

Salina however has mostly sand filler and this is not as lasting as the filler McPherson used. Salina also has a good many miles of sewer. OSTLIND'S ANTI-SNUFF BILL. An anti-snuff bill intended to take its place on the statute books along with the anti-cigarette bill was introduced in the house yesterday by Tohn Ostlind of McPherson county. 1t prohibits the sale of snuff in which tobacco is an an ingredient.

It not only prohibits its sale but it prohibits any-one from giving it away.Topeka Capital. RHEUMATISM. In almost every instance is directly caused by uric acid in the blood. Mer itol Rheumatism Powders manufactured for the express purpose of neutralizing and, eliminating the uric acid from the system. Easy to take and thoroughly effective.

Bixby Lindsay, Exclusive Local Agents.Adv. UNSTEADY NERVES. Often the result of indigestion, dyspepsia, constipation, bilious attacks or impure blood, for all of which Meritol Tonic Digestive is a standard remedy that will give you instant relief. A world famous remedy for all to a badstomach. -Bixby Lindsay, Exclusive Local Agents.

A LIBERAL 'OFFER. The undersigned druggist is authorized by the American Drug Press Association, of which he is a member, to, guarantee Meritol Hair Tonic to" give satisfaction or the purchase price will be refunded. This indicates the confidence they have in his preparation. Bixby. Lindsay, Sole Agents.

-Adv. Father never has, mother always, has, the sense to see how goodlooking some money makes one of their daughter's suitors. It is easy enough to raise a disturbance, but the harvest doesn't belong to any is among those who don't care which church you join. GET A Student's Note Book the Republican Oftice; Prices from 45 cents to 50 cents a book. includ ing sheets Waiting For the Lightning, Curlous information on the habits the big trees of California is given in one of John Muir's books.

"These big he says, "seem to. be immortal unless they are destroyed by accident. There is no absolute limit to the existence of any tree. Death is due to accident, not. as that of animals, to the wearing out of organs.

Only the leaves die of old age. Their fall is foretold in their structure. But the leaves are renewed every year, and so also are the essential organs roots, bark, buds. "Most of the Sierra trees die of disease. insects, fungi, but nothing hurts the big tree." adds the guished naturalist.

"I never saw one that was sick or showed the slightest sign of decay. Barring accidents, it seems to be immortal. It is a curious fact that all the very old sequoias bad lost their heads by lightning strokes. "'All things come to him who But of all' living things the sequoia is perhaps the only one able to wait long enough to make sure of being struck by lightning." A Scot as Grand Vizier. In "Further Reminiscences" Mrs.

Hugh Frazer tells of James Keith. Scotsman, who served with Spain, Russia and Prussia. As general officer of the Empress Anna Petrovna he was intrusted with the conduct of some preliminaries of peace with Turkey prior to the treaty of Belgrade, On the completion of the negotiations, which were conducted in French, the Turkish representative, no other than the grand vizier himself. a tall, red bearded personage dressed all in the sacred green of a hadji (or holy man who had made the pilgrimage to Messa), arose and came round to where Keith was standing by the table. "It affords me great pleasure, sir." the grand vizier began to the astounded Keith in excellent English, with an entrancing Scottish accent.

have the opportunity of meeting again with so distinguished a person as yourself. You look surprised. but I well remember you and your brother going to school. My father. sir, was the bell.

man of Kirkcaldy." The Serbs' Rout. It was on the banks of the Maritza, near Adrianople, in 1364. that the Turks first came into conflict with the young Slavonic races. the Servians. the Bosnians, the' Bulgarians.

Louis king of Hungary and Poland, with the princes of Bosnia, Servia and Wallachia, had decided to conquer the sultan, a task that the Greeks had been unable to manage. The Turks were only half as strong as the allies, but the commander took advantage of the intoxication of the allies to make a sudden night attack. The Slavs were aroused by the beating of the Turkish drums. "The Ottomans were upon them before they could stand to arms. They were like wild beasts scared from their lair." says Sa'd-ud-Din.

"Speeding from the field of light to the waste of flight. those abjects poured into the strea'm Maritza and were drowned." The spot can still be seen on the map as Sirf Sindughi, the "Serbs' rout." Marat and His Ugliness, Jean Paul Marat of the French rev. olution is said to have been not only one of the ugliest men in' all France, but to have been positively repulsive in person, habits and manners. Yet in his early career he was beyond question the most popular physician in Paris, particularly with the women. It is said that his consulting rooms were daily crowded by the loveliest women in Paris.

Even when he was suffering from a loathsome skin disease. contracted while hiding in the sewers of Paris, he was tenderly nursed by one of the loveliest of his whom he eventually married. When Edward Was Peeved. In Edward In True Col ors" is this story of the late king: At Marlborough House one night in the eighties the king. who was then the Prince of Wales, was playing, billiards with some of his guests.

His royal, highness was not in particularly good form, and after a rather bad shot one of the younger men shouted. to the amazement and disgust of the others. "I say, Wales: pull yourself together," The prince made no reply, but, beckoning a servant, said. Mr. carriage." How She Struck Him, yes, 1 know Mrs.

Wadleigh. saw her last night, and she struck me know what you were going to say. She struck you as being about the prettiest woman in this town." "No: that wasn't it exactly. She struck me as I was trying to get across the street in front of her new electric." -Chicago Record-Herald. A Surprise All Right.

"My husband has promised to allow me to choose -what I want for my birthday." "Oh, then there will be no surprises this year." "Yes, there will. He will be surprised euough when he gets the Daily Republican 10 cents a week. Rheumatic. Blood Ito Onto is Whole Story Wonderful Specific for Sciatica, Lumbago, and a Cure for Dreaded Articular Rheumatism. There is a host of pills, powders, tablets and what not for rheumatism, but they all lack the first essential to being a natural medicine.

To begin with, rheu. matism is simply a name given to designate a variety of pains, and can only be reached by irrigating the entire blood supply with a naturally assimilative antidote. True, the pains may be eased with narcotics or the acids may be neutralized for the being with other acids. But these merely temporize and do not even lead to a cure. There is but one standard, rheumatism remedy, and it reflects the best thought day.

It is prepared in the great Swift Laboratory in Atlanta, and sold in all drug stores under the name of S. S. S. at $1.00 a bottle. Starvation has been advocated by many as a cure for rheumatism, and yet S.

S. S. accomplishes in fact what faddists proclaim in theory and without the punishment of starvation. Hot springs and sweating are often recommended, but S. S.

S. does all that is expected of these expensive and weakening methods. It is conceded by the closest students of the subject that rheumatism is caused in most cases an acid condition of the blood and aggravated by the remedies commonly used for relief. In other cases rheumatism is the result of nerve depression; in still others it is the effect of some scrofulous blood condition, having been treated with mercury, lodides, arsenie and other poisonous mineral drugs. The recoveries of all these types of rheumatism by the use of S.

S. S. is a wonderful tribute to the natural efficacy of this remarkable medicine, for it is similated just as naturally, just as specifically, and just as well ordained as the most acceptable, most palatable and most readily digested food. Do not fail to get a bottle of S. S.

S. to day. You will be astonished at the results. If your rheumatism is of such a nature that you would like to consult aL great specialist confidentially, write to The Swift Specific 127 Swift Atlanta, Ga. KITCHEN SHOWER.

Household Articles: Masquerading In Many Amusing Disguises. A kitchen shower may be lifted out of the commonplace and be made interesting, even artistic and certainly amusing by dressing up each article given until it looks like something else. The costuming needed for such masquerading is plenty of crape paper, bolts of cheap baby ribbon and a paper of pins. A clotheshorse. two or three ply.

could be hung ou each side with brown paper to resemble a screen of hard wood. Even more amusing would be a decorated screen with caricatures drawn or pasted to the flat paper surface. The rolling pin may be rolled with blue or pink paper tied on the handles with fluffy bows and bave a veil neatly fastened round It to represent a veil roll. Clothesline can be rolled round and round and woven into place with baby ribbon until it looks like one of the woven mats used for front steps. Decorate buckets and wooden pails with paper, frills and paper towers until they resemble gay trash baskets.

Get a half dozen flat wire egg beaters, tie the handles of two together with light wire and make a wire hook to resemble a coat hanger. Wind the entire framework with strips of crape paper and tie on a huge tissue paper bow. Give a set of three of the hangers. Fashion a jardiniere made from the lid of a wooden box, in which put, point down, a fence of paring knives with the handles up. Weave in strips of crape paper in sereral colors and leave only the tips of the handles showing as a border.

Fill the center with a potted plant. Egg beaters and potato mashers make amusing dolls, with heads made from potatoes. apples or painted rags and a body made, so the utensil will stand, from rolls of cardboard. Dress in tissue paper hat and gown. Clothespins may be turned into amusing dolls with crape paper, using marshmallows for heads, each decorated with features in black ink.

To present these dolls erect fill a long baking dish with moss or sand and stick the pins into it. Drape the pan with double frills of neutral tinted paper, so as not to detract from the gayety of the dolls. It adds to the fun if the hostess gives. prizes for the best disguise, the most artistic and the most, grotesque; also prizes for those of her guests who get greatest and the second greatest list of utensils before the masquerade is revealed. A hermit is a man who attends to his own business, although there may be a few others.

We know who the power behind the throne is, all right, if the: king LE. married. A Transformation By LOUISE B. CUMMINGS I was a telegraph operator for the Central Pacific railroad in one' of the important stations when one day I re ceived an order to go out for a few days to a station some twenty miles from where I was working, and take the place of an operator there who was ill. G.

was merely a place for the stopping of trains! The day after 1 went to work at G. station I noticed a rough man looking at me. It seemed to me that he was saying to himself, "With that girl alone a man who wanted to control the station would have an easy time of it." Bat I was aware that my imagination was highly stimulated 31.11 ct 1 was in a condition to fancy that any tan who cast an eye on me was about to murder me. Neverthe less after this man had gone I took a revolver out of the drawer of my operating table and hung it around my waist. under my dress skirt.

with a string. and in order that I might get at it easily 1 made a rip in a seam of my skirt. As to using it I was in a singular state of mind. Unless I was threat ened with death or something worse if didn't seem to me that I could pos: sibly use it. But in this event I knew I could.

I had read accounts of how train robbers acted toward station agents they desired to control. and in no instance had they injured him. En gineers and express messengers they had always shot to kill. What I expected in case I was interfered with was that I would simply be removed from the operating table, but not hurt 80 long as I made no But train robbers were not the only danger I feared. I conjured up every conceivable injury from a mouse to a madman and invented methods of resistance.

some of which-especially as to the madman very ingenious. But in no case did I dream of making the slightest opposition unless in defense of my own self. The sending of a woman to such a place was very reprehensible in the management, for it was simply an invitation to any gang who might have possible intentions to rob a train to make it easy for themselves by putting the operator out of commission and regulating the movement of trains themselves. provided they were able to work the wires. and in this case the invitation was accepted.

One after noon in broad daylight, but when there was no one except myself in the station. two masked men entered and before 1 could touch the operating key ordered me away from it. I went to the other end of the little telegraph office and was directed to sit down in a chair there. I was too frightened to consider what they said to each other, but one of them sat down at the table in a way that convinced me that he understood telegraphing. The other waited A few moments.

then said something to his companion and went out. By this time I had regained some of my equanimity. The man sitting at the table presented his back to me. If I had been a man doubtless, he would not have taken any such And as it was as soon as his pal had gone out he turned and looked me over. showing by his expression that he was wondering if I could communicate in any way with the outside world.

There seemed to be no possibility of my doing so. and 1 suppose I looked as I felt--that I was bordering on a state of collapse. have often since been surprised at the rapidity with which I regained my thinking power. The first great restorative was a consciousness that. being a woman and the men bent on some crime with which I was connected only as an operator, I was sate from harm so long as I remained a noncombatant.

The first thing I noticed outside my own personality was the trousers the man at the table wore. The pattern was the same as worn by the man whom I had caught; eying me a short time before. There was a possibility of my identifying him. Presently he began to click the key, and I read a message notifying the express. that was nearly, due: that the road was clear.

At this a marvelous change came over me. I pictured a conductor. an engineer. an express messenger. one or all, shot to death and an express car robbed.

The loss of treasure did not move me, but the sight I conjured up of these men lying weltering in their blood made a Hon of me. took no thought for myself or the frightful, danger I ran. Seizing the revolver under my skirt. whipped it out and co*cked it. The man, hearing a click, turned instantly, grasping a revolver he had laid on the table.

There was not an instant for consideration. My own life and the lives of others shut out the horror of my deed. I Bred without aim, only in his direction, but the bullet pierced 'his Children Cry for Fletcher's A CASTORIA The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his hatH sonal Allow no one supervision to deceive since its in infancy. this. you Ill Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of nfants and Children--Experience against Experiment.

What is CASTORIA Castor a is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contain neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substar e. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays It cures Diarrhoa and Wind Colic.

It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea--The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years TH CENTAUR COMPANY, 77 MURRAY STREET, NEW YORK CITY. brain.

He fell, and in another moment I had sent the words: "Train robber here! Keep away!" That was the last of consciousness for me till I was aroused by a woman who had come into the station to make an inquiry The robber must have carried away the body of the man I had killed. for it was not there. They had not waited for the express to come. Since then neither the road nor the express company has been able to do enough for me. and I am considered a heroine.

but I shall never recover from the horror I experienced in killing A man, BEWARE OF OINTMENTS FOR CAT. ARRH THAT CONTAIN MERCURY as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering it through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on prescriptions from reputable physicians, as the damage they will do is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney Toledo, 0.

contains no mercury, and is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It is taken internally and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney Testimonintis free.

Sold by Druggists, Price 76c per bottle. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. -Adv. What has become of the old-fashioned man whose favorite 'indoor amusem*nt was urguing about the Scripture? Neither is there much use waiting for the same time to come when automobiles will be within the reach of the poor man, 800'TO If In Need Of a LOOSE LEAF Cover or Ledger call at the Republican Office and inspect the SAnest line ever seen in the city. Prices from 30 cents to $16.00.

00 McPherson HOUSE OPERA February 25. Messrs. Manley Campbell Present al TE Mr. Geo. G.

Wakefield America's tallest actor-6 feet and 7 rE inches -who appeared the past five BC seasons in 'The Cat and The Company. AS MEPHISTO INi 3.6 A Big Revival of Goethe's Greatest Tragedy TC 'FAUST" Five Acts A Attraction Guaranteed Eight Scenes A Splendid Supporting Cast! Each Act Specially Mounted! Characters Beautifully Costumed! Beautiful Electrical Effects! Clever Stage, Mechanisms'! A Tragedy With a Moral! Do Not Miss This Great Play Prices: 25, 50, 75c, $1.00.

The McPherson Daily Republican from McPherson, Kansas (2024)


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Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.