Chetopa Clipper from Chetopa, Kansas (2024)

r7 YEAR SO CHETOPA, LABETTE COUNTY, WEDNESDAY, AUG. 6, 1913. PRICE, 5 CTS Ay Hearing in the matter of petition of guardian of Mabel and Carrie Henshaw, minors, to execute oil and The Edna chautauqua will open on Tuesday, August 19. The Parsons chautauqua fell behind $400. Thursday afternoon of last week a young man wearing eye-glasses and a pleasant smile came into the Journal office and gave us a good hearty hand shake.

lie was raised on a farm near Chetopa, and attended school there. He got a job, a minor clerkship, in the Katy offices at Parsons, and he had an idea that it was up to him to do more than he was paid for, regardless of what his pay envelope contained and he didn't get discouraged at it, either, even though it appeared no one noticed or appreciated his efforts. He just kept at it, doing his best His business card now reads: Witt, Parsons, Kansas, Travel BARTLETT. 1J Fritz and family spent Sunday with Roy Tullis and family down in Oklahoma. Alex Graue and wife, Lee Edwards and wife and Henry Graue and Blanche Tullis spent Saturday and Sunday at the Tullis home in Oklahoma.

Miss Pearl Kallenberger took her Sunday school class picnio ing Wednesday. The girls report a fine time. Wiley and wife and Jesse Beeman spent Sunday with McPherson and family. Rev Summer is expected home from his visit so as to fill the pulpit at the Methodist church, Sunday. The Shroyer threshing crew is home for a few days.

They report threshing 585 bushels in Alta Haynes of near Altamont visited a few days with Miss Theo Lonnecker last week. Burns and his granddaughter, Miss Burke, went to Webb City Sunday to visit at A Reece's. The farmers institute will meet Saturday, August 9, at 2 in A hall. All farmers are requested to attend. This is election day.

Subjects of the season will be discussed. The Mead Grain Co wants your grain. Ad Goldsmith, buyer. Brown was a business visitor in Welch Monday. HERE AND THERE.

Dr Mahr, formerly of McCune, who ia state health officer of Oklahoma, was acquitted of the charge of insobriety, pernicious political activity, neglect of official duty, allowing false claims for employes and Harvey Dean of Pleasanton and Mary Armstrong of Hume, Mo, were married recently, and almost immediately she was stolen by II Mc-Cord, who took her to a brick plant south of Neodesha, where be was a laborer. In a couple of weeks she was discovered by ojBcers, and Mc-Cord ran away. She has been taken back to her husband, and they will reside at Hume. The Md Valley Herald has ceased publication, on account of the bad health of its publisher, Thrall, who will go to some of the spring resorts of Arkansas. We are sorry to learn of Bro Thrall's precarious condition, and hope a rest and change of scene will soon straighten him out He has been publishing the Herald 29 years, and making a good paper; and he is an all-'round man, too.

Carl, the 12-year-old son of Perry Pearson, living seven miles northeast of Columbus, fell from the top of a silo, Wednesday noon, and broke both legs. George of Md Valley had a bad gash cut in his head, one ankle broken and suffered other injuries in a runaway, last week. Wm Milligan of Avery, Iowa, was found crushed to death in a car of bridge timber at Coffeyville, in which he had been stealing a ride. Frank Harper of Parsons, who was adjudged incorrigible in the juvenile court a few days ago, attacked his mother, Monday morning, and will be taken to the reformatory at Hutchinson. An unknown man about 20 years old was run over and killed by a Katy passenger train at Adair Friday morning.

The delivery auto of the Haynes laundry at Parsons caught fire and was entirely destroyed Saturday gas leases, was set for August 12. Annual accounts in re John and Elvira Gaddis, minors, and Almina Downs, deceased, approved. Guardian of estate of Wilbur Hudson et a), minors, was authorized to expend $150 for mainten ance. An order was issued to distribute $800 among heirs of Kate Lambert, deceased. Morgan was appointed administrator of estate of Michael Morgan, deceased.

Tillie A Owens was appointed guardian of estate of Oscar Owens et al. Sale of real estate of estate of A Finfrock et al, minors, to Shomber, approved. Marv Enelehart was allowed claim of $1000 against the estate of II Enelehart. deceased, it beiner for cash loaned to him by her mother. Real Estate Transfers Sarah Ferrier to Angelo, tract in sw cor sw 15, Walton tp Hulinger to Wilson, of ne and of se 30, Md Valley tp $6000.

A Robison to Tyler, lots 29-32, blk 60, Chetopa $476. Gaffey to Hardman, frac sw 30, North tp $5500. Otho McMillan to Orville McMillan, lot 6, sec 28, Neosho tp $500. Mary Thompson, by sheriff, to Amanda Fields, lots 21-22, blk 2, Stevens' add Chetopa $238. Second Annua! Grange Picnic Oswego Grange, No.

1520 at Riverside Park Oswego, Kans, Thursday, August 14. State Lecturer, L. S. Fry, will explain the benefits of the Grange. Plenty of entertainment, free ice water! lots of shade, tables for your dinner.

Everybody invited. BUSINESS AT National Business College Independence, Kansas Arnold Hanco*ck of Welch, aered 5, had one of his forefingers badly masned by an automobile door. Drenner of near Md Vallev raised 1155 bushels of wheat on 30 acres. Three men attacked a man at Scammon becausehe believed in en forcing the prohibitory law and he whipped all of them. On cross examination bv the at torney for the Manufacturers' asso ciation, Mulhall stated that much of the matter written in his letters to the Manufacturers' association, and which have been furnished the sen ate committee, was the product of his imagination.

England, Germany and Russia will not participate in the San Fran cisco exposition, to take place in 1915. The representatives of 21 Kansas cities, in conference at Topeka, de cided that they wanted municipal gas only as a last resort, and urged the federal court of appeals to grant the application for an early hearing of the appeal from the recent decision of Jndsre Marshall of Salt Lake City.v The hearing has been set for oeptemoer z. San Jose scale and the pernicious bark beetle have attacked the fruit trees around Coffeyville. The supreme court refused to set aside the will of John Taylor, a Crawford county farmer, who left practically all of "his $250,000 estate to his son, Luther Taylor. Coal and oil were found.

A will found after his death left it all, except $500 and the earnings on $10,000, to his son. Sally Singer, a daughter, bro't suit to set aside the will on the ground of undue influence. Oswe go Independent. Wesley Terwilleger of Md Val ley had the forefinger of his right hand torn off in machinery. Some fellows who it is alleged have been defrauding people in the east through sales of Oklahoma town lots, and who have collected more than $1,000,000, were arrested in Pennsylvania.

MrsG-W Nelson of Coffeyville has beans in her garden the pods of which are 30 to 33 inches long, and contain about 20 beans per pod, the beans being about an inch apart. Three prisoners broke from the Nowata jail the other night. Nine other prisoners were left in the jail, asleep. The United States senate unanimously rejected the nomination of Paul A Jones for postmaster at Cof feyville. John Campbell of Md Valley received a registered Jersey heifer from Missouri that cost him $150, and in a day or two she died.

A car of merchandise was burned at Oswego Wednesday night. The blaze set fire to the Katy depot, which was burned, but the records and the most of the goods in the building were saved. Harold McBride of Coffeyville was thrown from his bicycle and suffered the breaking of both bones of his left arm. The street fair at Centralia will be held September 11-13. ing Freight and Passenger Agent, Missouri, Kansas Texas Railway Co." He is better known to his friends as Clark Witt.

Maybe his idea of doing his best while he worked was a good one, after all. What do you think about it? Md Valley Journal. Mack Smith Hallowell is in a serious condition from a stroke of apoplexy. Nina Woodford, who has held the position of deputy county treasurer for 15 years, will resign at the end of John Robinson's term. Ethel Wells will succeed her.

Edgar Wells, county treasurer elect, tried to secure the services of Miss Woodford, but she declined. Arthur Carr of Angola, who has a position in the advertising department of the Standard Oil Co, has just returned from a Bix months trip through Europe. The chautauqua at Altamont just paid out. Charles Williams of Labette City missed a two-year-old colt, and found that it had followed a mover's wagon south. The sheriff caught up with the outfit betweeu Welch and Bluejacket, and the man came back with hira to Chetopa, where it was proposed to bring action against hira.

The fellow said he tried to drive the colt back several times, but it would follow him, in spite of all he could do. He appeared to be a straightforward man, and was allowed to go back on his journey south. The colt was back to its owner. Of the 20 or more jointists parol ed by Judge Sapp, only two have broken the parole. Joe Daniels of Dennis had a fin ger ground off while running a threshing machine.

Judge Thompson and Commissioner Homine have been on the sicklist the past week. Oswego Democrat. In a fight down in Oklahoma, south of Melrose, a frail little woman carved two men and two women so badly with a knife that it took a doctor several hours to sew up the gashes. Guy Womble has moved from Md Valley to Missouri. Stallings of Oswego was bit ten above the ankle by a water moc casin, but is coming out all right.

Irene, the 8-year-old daughter of Mr and Mrs John Nading, who re side 10 miles southeast of Edna, died on Wednesday, July 30. The little girl bruised her knee about six weeks ago, which developed into tuberculosis of the bone. Edna Sun. Kerr of Kiowa succeeds Ararine as superintendent of the state reformatory at Hutchinson. afternoon.

Loss, $1100; insurance, $800. Mrs Rogers and daughter Flossie of Chetopa, Kans, are visit ing friends relatives here. Mrs Rogers is still suffering from her recent attack of rheumatism and can scarcely get around. Centralia Standard. COUNTY SEAT NEWS, Probate Court Final settlement of administrator of estate of Enoch Hale, deceased, approved.

Re was allowed $90.25 for 38 days' service and ordered to pay the balance, $314.80, to heirs. Lucy Stice was appointed guardian of Clyde Stice et al, minors. EDUCATE FOR one hour. Milo Miller's little son fell and broke his collarbone, recent-ly. Mrs Fritz entertained her Sunday school class at her home Thursday afternoon.

Ice cream and cake were served. Miss Pearl Kallenberger would like for you to come in and take a look at the new ratine and linen hats. The Royal Neighbors gave Mrs Fred McColey a surprise Wednesday afternoon. Ice cream and cake were served. Mrs McColey and family will move to Oswego, where Fred will teach school.

Dick Bennett and Scott Gunter went to Welch Wednesday and brought home a Ford auto for Mr Gunters. Harl Bendure came home from Parsons and is sick with typhoid fever at the home of his parents. Jim Wade of Colorado is here visiting. Fritz looked after business in Oswego Monday. Mrs Laura Lonnecker came in from Parsons Saturday even ing to visit a few days.

John Lawellin's daughter is threatened with typhoid fever. Del Crane and wife visited at Hi Romine's Sunday. Miss Jennie Chesley has returned home to Chetopa after a visit with Mrs Vandermark and Miss Tressie Betson. Mrs Brandon was in Oswego Monday. Alta Hanigan returned home Saturday after spending a week with Mrs Chas Gant near Coffey-ville.

Roy Furrow of Oklahoma is visiting Ezra Davis this week. Mrs Fred Arning entertained her Sunday school class Tuesday evening. Ice cream and cake were served. The Christian people had bap-tizinsr Thursday afternoon. Mrs Clyde Randall and Mae and John Brandon were the candidates.

Born, July 29, to Mr and Mrs McPherson, a boy Leon Landrith is located at Little Rock, Wash. Miss Esme Cellars was shopping in Chetopa Monday. favoring certain sanitary compounds. Clvde Reed, superintendent of the mail service, has been transferred to Omaha, and will have charge of Ne braska, Wyoming and California. Kinney, formerly of Welch, committed suicide by shooting him self at Bartlesvil.le.

The surgeons in Minnesota decided that it would do no good to operate on Wallingford's face for cancer, and he returned home to Edna. Rice of Neosho township raised 402 bushels, machine meas ure, of wheat off of 10'acres, beside feeding 35 bundles to his hogs. A Sheill Son's general store at Sherman City was burned last week. John Curran, aged 4 years, fell in a drainage ditch on the National re finery grounds at Coffeyville and was so severely scalded that he died. Mrs Brown, who a few months ago applied for a divorce in the Cherokee county district court, has dismissed the case and she and her husband are living together in Kansas City.

Crane has opened up for business again at Deering, in the room formerly occupied by the Jor-dan-Florea drugstore. At the banker's meeting at Oswego a county organization was formed, with Marley, president; Steele, vice-president; II Paynter, secretary-treasurer. The above officers, with Flynn and Conneway, were made an executive committee. The Central hotel at Miami was robbed of $18 the other day. Wash McKim of Coffeyville was fined $100 and given 50 days in jail for selling booze.

John Murray had a toe mashed while riding on a car in a mine at Mineral. Adams, a telegrapher from Grandfield, Ok, who was down and out, committed suicide at Independence by cutting his throat with a razor. Eleven men and boys were arrested at Scammon for stealing melons from a Frisco car. LOANS ON REAL ESTATE Terms and rates reasonable C. B.

Fritz BARTLETT, KANS. Olson's Commercial Colleges Parsons Business College Parsons, Kansas Official Stenotype Schools in the Third Congressional District. For fine 64-page catalog, address, J. j. ncSi Independence Parsons THE QUALITY GROCERY Yes, but it's more than the quality groceryit has the lowest prices for the highest quality in this community.

Here are the freshest goods; the most exceptional values, and at this store you get that courteous attention and prompt delivery of your purchases, that mean high quality and pleasant service. Phone 108 ALLISON'S CASH GROCERY E. D. BATES, Cashier B. S.

EDWARDS, President We have the best One Piece Clear Fir. Swinging Door Silo on the Market. We ship direct from the factory in Washington, in straight cars, and can deliver them to you at the least possible Qualjty the very best; prices the very lowest. Come and see them and get your choice before they are all gone. CITIZEN'S STATE BANK BARTLETT.

KANS. Farmersi Merchants STATE BA-nXTSSL Capital, $25,000. Undivided Profits, $5000. Established 1898 Deposits Guaranteed Under the Bank Depositors' Guaranty Law. 4 per cent.

Interest paid on Time Deposits. U. S. Depository Postal Savings Fully Insured Against Burglary By Day Or Night. We always have funds on hand to accommodate our patrons, and respectfully solicit your business.

naitlx Baty Up-to-date Equipment and Management and the most Liberal HaXi-ioaTbe! Co. Bctirtlelrt, H.ans. Business Methods consistent with Safe Banking. 4 Per Cent paid on time deposits. Deposits Guaranteed.

Your Business Solicited and Appreciated..

Chetopa Clipper from Chetopa, Kansas (2024)


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