What Is Sharpness Of Resonance - Q Factor Of RLC Circuit, Coil (2024)

Resonance is a phenomenon that occurs when the matching vibrations of another system increase the amplitude of a given system’s oscillations. Electrical resonance occurs in a circuit when the inductive reactance and the capacitive reactance become equal in magnitude. In this article, let us discuss the sharpness of resonance in an Ac circuit.

Table of Contents
  • What is Resonance?
  • What is Sharpness of Resonance?
  • What is Q Factor?
  • How does Sharpness of Resonance depend on Damping?
  • What is Q Factor of Coil?
  • What is Q Factor of RLC Circuit?
  • Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs

What is Resonance?

The sharpness of resonance can be understood better by understanding resonance. Resonance is defined as the tendency of a system to vibrate with an increase in amplitude at the excitation of frequencies. Resonance frequency or resonant frequency is the maximum frequency at which the amplitude is relatively maximum. The Q factor is used to define the sharpness of the resonance.

What is Sharpness of Resonance?

The sharpness of resonance is defined using the Q factor which explains how fast energy decay in an oscillating system. The sharpness of resonance depends upon:

  • Damping: Effect due to which there is a reduction in amplitude of vibrations.
  • Amplitude: Maximum displacement of a point on a vibrating body which is measured from its equilibrium position.

The sharpness of resonance increases or decreases with an increase or decrease in damping and as the amplitude increases, the sharpness of resonance decreases.

What Is Sharpness Of Resonance - Q Factor Of RLC Circuit, Coil (1)

What is Q Factor?

Q factor or quality factor is a dimensionless parameter that is used to describe the underdamped resonator and characterizes the bandwidth and centre frequency of the resonator.

The mathematical representation is:

Q = Estored/Elost per cycle

The Q factor of an RF resonant circuit is given as:

\(\begin{array}{l}Q=\frac{F_{0}}{F_{3dB}}\end{array} \)

How does Sharpness of Resonance depend on Damping?

The sharpness of resonance increases with an increase in damping and decreases with a decrease in damping.

What is Q Factor of Coil?

Q factor for a coil is defined for a given frequency as the ratio of inductance L to the resistance R of a coil.

\(\begin{array}{l}Q=\frac{\omega L}{R}\end{array} \)

What is Q Factor of RLC Circuit?

Q factor in a series circuit is:

\(\begin{array}{l}Q=\frac{1}{R}\sqrt{\frac{L}{C}}=\frac{\omega _{0}L}{R}=\frac{1}{\omega _{0}RC}\end{array} \)


R: resistance

L: inductance

C: capacitance

Q factor in a parallel circuit is:

\(\begin{array}{l}Q=R\sqrt{\frac{C}{L}}=\frac{R}{\omega _{0}L}={\omega _{0}RC}\end{array} \)


RLC are in parallel.

Stay tuned with BYJU’S to learn more about other Physics related concepts.

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Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs


What is resonance?

Resonance is defined as the tendency of a system to vibrate with an increase in amplitude at the excitation of frequencies.


Define resonant frequency.

Resonance frequency or resonant frequency is the maximum frequency at which the amplitude is relatively maximum.


What is the sharpness of resonance?

The sharpness of resonance is defined using the Q factor which explains how fast energy decay in an oscillating system is. The sharpness of resonance depends upon:

  • Damping: Effect due to which there is a reduction in amplitude of vibrations.
  • Amplitude: Maximum displacement of a point on a vibrating body which is measured from its equilibrium position.


What is the Q factor?

Q factor or quality factor is a dimensionless parameter that is used to describe the underdamped resonator and characterises the bandwidth and centre frequency of the resonator.


What causes resonance to occur?

Resonance occurs when the matching vibrations of another object increase the amplitude of an object’s oscillations

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What Is Sharpness Of Resonance - Q Factor Of RLC Circuit, Coil (2024)


What Is Sharpness Of Resonance - Q Factor Of RLC Circuit, Coil? ›

Q-Factor in a Series RLC Resonant Circuit

What is the sharpness of resonance and Q factor? ›

What is the sharpness of resonance? The sharpness of resonance is defined using the Q factor which explains how fast energy decay in an oscillating system is. The sharpness of resonance depends upon: Damping: Effect due to which there is a reduction in amplitude of vibrations.

What is the Q factor of RLC resonance? ›

An important property of oscillating systems like RLC circuits is the Q factor, which quantifies the strength of damping in the system. The Q factor is inversely proportional to the resistance for a series RLC circuit but increases with the resistance in a parallel RLC circuit.

What is meant by the Q factor of a coil and relate sharpness of tuning to the Q factor? ›

Q factor is alternatively defined as the ratio of a resonator's centre frequency to its bandwidth when subject to an oscillating driving force. These two definitions give numerically similar, but not identical, results. Higher Q indicates a lower rate of energy loss and the oscillations die out more slowly.

What is the formula of sharpness of resonance in LCR circuit? ›

The Q factor, also referred as the quality factor, is a dimensionless parameter which describes an underdamped resonator's bandwidth and centre frequency. fr=0.5Lc is the formula for computing the resonant frequency in an LCR series circuit. The quality factor (Q) in a series RLC circuit is computed as Q=(rL/R).

How does the Q value determine the sharpness of absorption curve? ›

If the Quality factor is low such as 0.1 to 5, the curve is broad and its peak is not sharp. If Q is high such as 10 , the curve becomes narrow and its peak is narrow. If Q is very high and increasing from 100 to 100k , the curve becomes very narrow and its peak is very sharp.

What is the Q factor of resonance in series LCR circuit? ›

Quality factor of resonance is a dimensionless parameter that describes how underdamped an oscillator or resonator is, and characterizes a resonator bandwidth relative to its center frequency. At resonance, XC=XL ⟹wo=√1LC. ∴ Quality factor in series LCR circuit Q=woLR=1R√LC.

What is the Q factor of a coil? ›

Quality factor (Q) or coil Q-factor is a dimensionless unit for the losses of a coil, quartz, or a resonator. For coils this refers to the ohmic losses of the coil-wire. They are inversely proportional for the coil quality and are calculated from the ratio of reactance to ohmic resistance.

What is the formula for the Q factor of a resonant circuit? ›


How does Q factor affect resonant frequency? ›

Sinusoidally driven resonators having higher Q factors resonate with greater amplitudes (at the resonant frequency) but have a smaller range of frequencies around that frequency for which they resonate; the range of frequencies for which the oscillator resonates is called the bandwidth.

What is the Q factor and explain its significance? ›

Significance : Q factor determines the sharpness of the resonance curve, if Q is high, the resonance curve is sharper and the energy lost by the circuit is less. Sharpness: Sharpness of a AC circuit is related to the Q factor. IF the sharpness is more we get a clear effect in the system and resistance is less.

What is the relationship between sharpness and bandwidth? ›

Higher value of quality factor leads to smaller bandwidth and more sharpness at resonance.

What determines the sharpness of a resonance curve of a tuned circuit? ›

The $Q$-factor determines the sharpness of the resonance curve. If the resonance is less sharp, not only the maximum current is less, the circuit is closer to resonance for larger values of $\Delta \omega $and frequencies and tuning of the circuit will not be good.

What is the Q factor in an RLC circuit? ›

The quality factor is a ratio of resonant frequency to bandwidth. It relates the maximum or peak energy stored in the circuit (the reactance) to the energy dissipated (the resistance) during each cycle of oscillation. The higher the circuit Q, the smaller the bandwidth.

What do you mean by sharpness of resonance and Q factor? ›

The Sharpness of Resonance Definition:

The depletion of an oscillating wave with respect to time is called the sharpness of the Resonance. It relates to the energy decay that happens in an oscillating system. It is mainly defined by the Q factor.

What is resonance in an RLC circuit? ›

The resonance of a series RLC circuit occurs when the inductive and capacitive reactances are equal in magnitude but cancel each other because they are 180 degrees apart in phase. The sharp minimum in impedance which occurs is useful in tuning applications.

What is the Q factor of the optical resonator? ›

The Q factor equals 2π times the number of oscillation periods required for the stored energy to decay to 1/e (≈ 37%) of its initial value. The Q factor of an optical resonator equals the finesse times the optical frequency divided by the free spectral range.

What is the relationship between power factor and Q factor? ›

Power factor indicates the contribution of resistance (R) in the total impedance (Z)of the circuit. Quality factor describes the resonance behavior of the circuit. It is the ratio of the energy stored to the energy dissipated per cycle.


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