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Commuting Internationally - Page 2 (3)08-10-2024, 05:58 AM



Gets Weekends Off

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Commuting Internationally - Page 2 (4)

Originally Posted by ClncClarence

Totally false. I shared a crashpad in MEM with a guy who lived in the UK and worked for FDX when I was there. Not a life I would choose but he proved it was possible.

This was well before FDX lost the USPS contract.

i think it was requirement to get hired,(background checks?) but after the fact it didnt matter

Commuting Internationally - Page 2 (5)


Commuting Internationally - Page 2 (6)

Commuting Internationally - Page 2 (7)08-10-2024, 07:55 AM



Prime Minister/Moderator

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Commuting Internationally - Page 2 (9)

Originally Posted by AllYourBaseAreB

i think it was requirement to get hired,(background checks?) but after the fact it didnt matter

Yes USPS had a bizarre requirement that employees who carry the mail had to have lived in the US for five years prior to getting hired... to fly mail all over the world. Not even the military and CIA have a rule like that Commuting Internationally - Page 2 (10)

Not sure if the rule still exists, but it did not too many years ago.

Commuting Internationally - Page 2 (11)


Commuting Internationally - Page 2 (12)08-10-2024, 09:55 AM



Gets Weekends Off

Joined APC: Dec 2007

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Commuting Internationally - Page 2 (13)

MIA to Sao Paulo, Rio, Buenos Aires, Hanover, Germany commuters. No point in listing N. South America cities or the Caribbean because there's probably someone commuting to a lot of them.

JFK - Paris, Rome, Alaska commuters.

DTW - Tel Aviv


Hawaii - LAX and DFW.

Rome - JFK commuter. Weight restricted to JFK??? Went to EWR. Bus/train to LGA. Taxi to JFK. Flew overnight to Sao Paulo. We're walking around and his on his phone a lot. Two bank cards shut down....for suspected fraud. Breakfast in Rome, snack in EWR, dinner in JFK, breakfast in Sao Paulo. All within 30 hrs. Bank froze his card for suspected fraud.

Being senior in your seat REALLY helps.

Commuting Internationally - Page 2 (14)


Commuting Internationally - Page 2 (15)08-10-2024, 12:03 PM


John Carr

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Commuting Internationally - Page 2 (16)

Originally Posted by jordan5622

Hi all, Looking to join one of the legacies at some point ideally in the next year. Going to be moving over to the States long term in the next few years, but would ideally like to start before we actually move. Are there international commuting policiesfor any of the carriers? Thanks!

Not to be crass, but.......

1) Commuting is a "choice", I did it just over 20 years

2) In 25 years, airlines have gone from minimal, if any commuter policies to actually pretty decent ones, but......

Why would an international commute policy be different than a domestic one? It's STILL a "choice".

Commuting Internationally - Page 2 (17)


Commuting Internationally - Page 2 (18)08-10-2024, 01:06 PM



Gets Weekends Off

Joined APC: Feb 2020

Posts: 239

Commuting Internationally - Page 2 (19)

Originally Posted by AllYourBaseAreB

i think it was requirement to get hired,(background checks?) but after the fact it didnt matter

The way I heard it was you had to have citizenship but that was third hand so probably wrong I guess?

Commuting Internationally - Page 2 (20)


Commuting Internationally - Page 2 (21)08-10-2024, 01:26 PM


John Carr

Gets Weekends Off

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Commuting Internationally - Page 2 (22)

Originally Posted by Lifeson2112

The way I heard it was you had to have citizenship but that was third hand so probably wrong I guess?

Originally Posted by AllYourBaseAreB;[url=tel:3827636

3827636]i think it was requirement to get hired,(background checks?) but after the fact it didnt matter

Originally Posted by ClncClarence;[url=tel:3827534

3827534]Totally false. I shared a crashpad in MEM with a guy who lived in the UK and worked for FDX when I was there. Not a life I would choose but he proved it was possible.

This was well before FDX lost the USPS contract.

In the days of yore;

Candidates for jobs involving handling or access to U.S. mail cannot be considered for employment if they have resided outside the U.S., Guam or Puerto Rico for more than (6) six months during the last (5) years prior to today's date, other than the following verifiable exceptions: active duty in the U.S. Uniformed Service; trailing spouse or dependent of someone working for the U.S. government (military or civilian); missionary; student attending school in a foreign country; Peace Corps participant; employee of a U.S. based employer/company or other extraordinary circumstances.

​​​​​​​Could be wrong, but IIRC, ~2019 it changed.

Commuting Internationally - Page 2 (23)


Commuting Internationally - Page 2 (24)08-11-2024, 06:06 AM



Gets Weekends Off

Joined APC: Feb 2017

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Commuting Internationally - Page 2 (25)

I met a FA who commuted Sydney to Newark.

not sure why he didn’t just stop in SFO, but whatever.

Commuting Internationally - Page 2 (26)


Commuting Internationally - Page 2 (27)08-13-2024, 08:37 AM


Mainline Mulier

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Commuting Internationally - Page 2 (29)

You can do it, but you won't do it for long. It's god awful.

You're basically living in base and taking extended vacations abroad to visit family every month. It won't feel like you think it will.

Commuting Internationally - Page 2 (30)



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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Views: 6314

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Author information

Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

Phone: +813077629322

Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.