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Joined APC: Aug 2022
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CAT III / II approach above CAT I minima
Can someone please verify this for me. There is no restriction/ company policy or regs that say you cannot shoot a CAT II/III Autoland into an airfield where the minima are about CAT I. Lets say im going into Chicago and the ceiling is reported 300 feet. Vis 6 miles. They are only advertising ILS approaches in use. I would still do a CAT III autoland to guarentee a landing ( pending no automation fails etc).
The tower at any field does not have to be advertising CATII/III specific approaches for you to legally shoot them? The ILS critical area is protected when Cig is below 800 or 2 correct?
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Originally Posted by airchina981
Can someone please verify this for me. There is no restriction/ company policy or regs that say you cannot shoot a CAT II/III Autoland into an airfield where the minima are about CAT I. Lets say im going into Chicago and the ceiling is reported 300 feet. Vis 6 miles. They are only advertising ILS approaches in use. I would still do a CAT III autoland to guarentee a landing ( pending no automation fails etc).
The tower at any field does not have to be advertising CATII/III specific approaches for you to legally shoot them? The ILS critical area is protected when Cig is below 800 or 2 correct?
yeah. The operator determines their lowest applicable minimums to shoot an approach.
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Originally Posted by airchina981
Can someone please verify this for me. There is no restriction/ company policy or regs that say you cannot shoot a CAT II/III Autoland into an airfield where the minima are about CAT I. Lets say im going into Chicago and the ceiling is reported 300 feet. Vis 6 miles. They are only advertising ILS approaches in use. I would still do a CAT III autoland to guarentee a landing ( pending no automation fails etc).
The tower at any field does not have to be advertising CATII/III specific approaches for you to legally shoot them? The ILS critical area is protected when Cig is below 800 or 2 correct?
shoot a cat I and if you don't make it in do a cat II or III the next time around. I would have looked at my captain as if he had a screw loose shooting anything other than a catI ils with visibility at 6 miles.
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Joined APC: Apr 2022
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Originally Posted by airchina981
Can someone please verify this for me. There is no restriction/ company policy or regs that say you cannot shoot a CAT II/III Autoland into an airfield where the minima are about CAT I. Lets say im going into Chicago and the ceiling is reported 300 feet. Vis 6 miles. They are only advertising ILS approaches in use. I would still do a CAT III autoland to guarentee a landing ( pending no automation fails etc).
The tower at any field does not have to be advertising CATII/III specific approaches for you to legally shoot them? The ILS critical area is protected when Cig is below 800 or 2 correct?
The tower will just clear you for the ILS approach as the airport ILS equipment is the same regardless of what your aircraft is doing.
If they are doing low vis ops then they will protect the critical area.
I know this is a United thread and I dont know their procedures, but some operators will prohibit doing an Autoland approach if the critical area is not protected.
The aircraft can still autoland but there is no guarantee you will land in the touchdown zone or stay on the centerline if the signal is distorted by taxiing aircraft or ground vehicles.
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Joined APC: Aug 2020
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Originally Posted by airchina981
Can someone please verify this for me. There is no restriction/ company policy or regs that say you cannot shoot a CAT II/III Autoland into an airfield where the minima are about CAT I. Lets say im going into Chicago and the ceiling is reported 300 feet. Vis 6 miles. They are only advertising ILS approaches in use. I would still do a CAT III autoland to guarentee a landing ( pending no automation fails etc).
The tower at any field does not have to be advertising CATII/III specific approaches for you to legally shoot them? The ILS critical area is protected when Cig is below 800 or 2 correct?
Read FOM 6.110.11. If the weather is below 800 & 2, the critical will be protected. Above that you can tell ATC that you want to do an autoland and they will advise if the critical area will or will not be protected. If not protected, you can still perform an autoland without a cloud in the sky provided that the wind limitations can be met. The only catch is that you need to be ready if there is "bending of the beam" and be prepared to go around if needed.
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Joined APC: Aug 2020
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Originally Posted by Flapsfordrag
I would have looked at my captain as if he had a screw loose shooting anything other than a catI ils with visibility at 6 miles.
Sometimes maintenance request one, sometimes people just do one for practice or because they're bored. I did one last month on a beautiful clear day after the FO said that he had never done an auto-land in the actual airplane. ATC advised that the critical area was not protected, we briefed the potential threat, and performed a normal auto-land.
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Originally Posted by cougar
your links dont work
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